The Power of
Knowing More

Excavator shoveling dirt into a large green dumster - The Power of Knowing More
Excavator shoveling dirt into a large green dumster - The Power of Knowing More

VisionLink® Productivity

VisionLink® Productivity compliments VisionLink with additional in-depth production data. This cloud-based platform gathers and analyzes machine and site data to provide a complete picture of asset utilization and job progress. Designed for customers with applications that have a need or desire to track production and machine utilization, it helps keep every job on track and on target.


A preview of the ways VisionLink Productivity can help you get the most out of every load and improve the performance of your entire jobsite.


Dr. Kristian Daub from Schwinger Granit in Germany shares his experiences with VisionLink Productivity in the company's busy quarry.


VisionLink Productivity Commercial Consultant Michael Miller describes how VisionLink Productivity can help you manage idle time and improve utilization across all your assets.


VisionLink Productivity Commercial Consultant Michael Miller shows how VisionLink Productivity delivers timely data to help you make informed decisions about site operations.


VisionLink Productivity Commercial Consultant Michael Miller shows how VisionLink Productivity lets you set production targets and the monitor progress across your site.


VisionLink Productivity Commercial Consultant Michael Miller describes how the cost dashboard in VisionLink Productivity lets you track fuel and operating costs across your fleet.

VisionLink Productivity is the only product that encompasses the full chain of work, from final grade to design file. Plus, you get individual load tracking, CO2 monitoring and so much more.


VisionLink Productivity covers all the assets in your fleet. It monitors interactions between both Cat and mixed-fleet equipment to give you a complete picture of jobsite activities.


By delivering actionable information based on accurate site and machine data, VisionLink Productivity eliminates guesswork. You'll know what's working and what needs attention.


Accurate fleet data helps you see precisely when excessive non-productive idle time occurs. VisionLink Productivity helps you quickly reallocate assets to maximize utilization across your operation.



End to End Visibility

Want to see the most detailed picture possible of your entire operation? Use VisionLink Productivity in combination with other Cat technologies — including VisionLink, Product Link and Payload. You can use it with older equipment and mixed fleets, too, since it works seamlessly with PL542 ProductLink hardware.



Here’s how VisionLink Productivity fits into a site-wide “data ecosystem” that provides end-to-end visibility across your operation.


It starts with the comprehensive equipment management capabilities of VisionLink. VisionLink gathers and analyzes telematics data from your fleet. It provides an overview of equipment health, condition and performance. It then lets you “zoom in” to monitor specific groups of machines and even single assets. Product Link hardware can be added to mixed-fleet and older equipment to bring your entire fleet into the fold.


VisionLink Productivity extends the capabilities of the VisionLink online platform to include material movement and site information. It shows you how key types of assets work together, helping you track total site production and job progress, while giving you details that let you identify and address bottlenecks and inefficiencies.


What makes VisionLink Productivity so powerful is that it leverages data from other key Cat telematics systems. Payload feeds in information from load/haul equipment to track material movement and total tonnages. Grade contributes detailed information about material movement and progress toward the design plan. To get the best results, it pays to put all of these technologies to work across your operation.


VisionLink Productivity is the data lynchpin that ties all your telematics platforms together. That’s how it delivers unmatched, end-to-end visibility. VisionLink Productivity requires a VisionLink Performance or Performance Pro subscription. Your Cat dealer can help you choose the option that works best to give you The Power of Knowing More.

Consult Your Dealer

Your Cat dealer can help you get started with VisionLink and VisionLink Productivity.
If you're already a pro, your dealer can show you new ways to get more out of these powerful technologies.

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