Government Solutions for your Local and State Needs

140GC Cat Motor Grader with nice clouds in the background
140GC Cat Motor Grader with nice clouds in the background

Cat® Governmental: More Productivity. More Versatility. More Value.

Make taxpayer dollars stretch further for your state or local governmental agency when purchasing heavy equipment by using Cat® procurement solutions. Cat dealer services increase uptime, Cat products maximize productivity, Cooperative purchasing improves efficiency, and Cat resources help solicit and compare bids. With a wide range of versatile machines, your assets will work harder and last longer, while inspiring taxpayer confidence.


Buyer's Guide: Purchase with confidence.

From construction to parks and recreation, we’ve got you covered. The Governmental Solutions Buyer’s Guide will help you make the best purchasing decisions for your projects and make the most of your budget. 



What's your Total Cost of Ownership?


Choose equipment that does the most work at the lowest total cost over its lifetime.


To estimate life cycle costs:


Initial Purchase Price


Lifetime Maintenance, Repairs, & Fuel


Trade-in/ Resale Value



Lifecycle Cost Calculator

Accepting the lowest bid can cost you in the long run. Download this spreadsheet to calculate your total cost of ownership so you can start saving time and money today.


Cat Governmental Makes Purchasing Easy

When you’re ready to take the next step, Cat Governmental has your back. Whether writing your own RFP or using a cooperative purchasing agreement, we can help streamline your purchasing process, saving you both time and money.


Leverage Cooperative Purchasing 

Cooperative purchasing combines the needs of several public procurement agencies into one contract, so you can save money on volume purchases. And get dependable support from local dealers.

Person wearing a safety jacket talking on a phone and smiling
Person wearing a safety jacket talking on a phone and smiling

Save Time on Bid Specs

Writing bid specifications is an essential and extensive step in the procurement process. Find bid specifications for almost every Cat® product, so you can make an informed decision and get the most out of your investment.

Three construction workers talking together on a jobsite
Three construction workers talking together on a jobsite

A Magazine for Government Procurement Solutions

Cat Governmental Solutions is a Cat publication serving governmental agencies with tools and resources for success in the industry. 


Contact Your Dealer

Your local Cat dealer is ready to talk to you about your specific state or local needs. Enter the requested info below. It helps your local dealer provide the best support for your needs.


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