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Are you measuring your Cat® bulldozer production accurately? These recommendations from professionals can help make sure you’re calculating your output correctly.
Here are three ways for measuring dozer production:
With your pile height, width and length measured (HWL), compute the blade load. Average your height and width measurement. Find your load in loose cubic meters or loose cubic yards by multiplying height, width and length, then multiply that resulting calculation by 0.0138:
Then, multiply your resulting calculation by the Load Factor (find load factors for varying materials). The result will be your load in bank cubic meters or bank cubic yards.
Talk to your Cat® dealer for more information about attachments and measuring bulldozer production.
Get the most from your dozer with operating tips, safety advice, maintenance help and much more.
Today’s dozer blades are sophisticated tools. And you can’t make money without them—which makes them far from boring. So before you choose a blade, give some thought to how the decision could affect your bottom line.
Learn MoreCheck out these 4 ways a Customer Value Agreement helps your equipment and your business.
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