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Motor Graders
Motor Graders

Cat® Large Motor Graders

Cat® Large Motor Graders are one of the most productive — and productivity-enhancing — machines on any mine site. While they may not be responsible for producing ore, they have a direct impact on how well other production machines can operate. They play an essential role in haul road construction and maintenance—so trucks can run faster and operate more safely. In addition, good roads save mine sites money on machine maintenance, fuel and tires.


Motor Grader Models


Why Choose a Cat Large Motor Grader?

We design Cat large motor graders to be more powerful, more productive, safer and more efficient. The integration of Cat technologies further enhances productivity by increasing accuracy, driving efficiency and improving safety. Please note that not all features are available on all models. Talk to your Cat dealer about your specific needs.

Smart Grading

These onboard technology offerings are part of what make Cat motor graders powerful, productive and efficient machines — and such a hit with new and experienced operators alike.

Cat Grade with Cross Slope helps you improve haul road quality and consistency — resulting in higher productivity, increased safety and reduced wear and tear on your machines.

Auto Articulation combines two functions into one by automatically articulating when the operator makes steering inputs, which improves maneuverability and performance in tight working spaces, enhances operator comfort and reduces fatigue.

Stable Blade detects and minimizes machine bounce by automatically controlling the throttle during operation with no operator intervention required, helping eliminate rework, saving time and reducing your fuel burn.


Get The Information You Need

Cat® Product Link™ wirelessly connects you to your equipment, giving you valuable insight into how your machine or fleet is performing. Most new machines leave the factory with Product Link installed, but conversion kits are available for older models already in the field.

With Product Link Elite, you can stay connected to your machines and get critical data any time, anywhere. It delivers accurate, timely and useful information about the location, utilization and condition of your equipment — the kind of information that can make a huge difference in the efficiency and costs of your entire operation.

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Focused On Keeping Everyone Safe

Cat motor graders are designed from the ground up to increase safety for operators, service personnel and everyone on site. From increased visibility to improved access and egrees to an optional factory-installed fire suppression system, these machines are loaded with safety features, including:

  • Circle drive slip clutch 
  • Two optional front facing cameras 
  • Operator not present monitoring system 
  • Hydraulic lockout 
  • Laminated front window glass 
  • Ground-level electrical disconnect switch 
  • Ground-level engine shutoff switch 
  • Rearview camera with in-cab monitor

Working At Heights

15 tie-off points around the engine and cab help provide secure anchorage and fall protection for service technicians, and an optional package can add an extra layer of safety with rails and handholds.

Fire Suppression Ready

All Cat large motor graders can be shipped with all hardware necessary to mount a fire suppression system without compromising other components. We also offer a factory-installed Ansul Liquid Vehicle Fire Suppression System.

Tandem Access

Service technicians have safe access to the engine thanks to non-slip steps, walkways, grab handles and two strategically placed mini platforms on the engine compartment’s back.


Choose the Right Model for the Job

Our motor grader selection tool has been designed to help you define the motor grader size that best fit your application as well as the number of motor graders required to properly maintain your haul roads.

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Motor Grader Selection Tool
Motor Grader Selection Tool

Help operators reach their full potential

Visit this page to view application training videos that help new operators get up to speed quickly and give experienced operators tips they can use to improve their performance.

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Cat MineStar™ Solutions for Grading

Cat Motor Graders leave the factory ready to take advantage of Cat MineStar, the mining industry’s most comprehensive and thoroughly integrated suite of technology offerings. Fleet management, guidance technologies and machine health applications allow significant improvements in your operations and maintenance organizations. Safety technologies help keep people safe when they’re in, on or around equipment.

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Cat MineStar Solutions
Cat MineStar Solutions


Parts and Service

With a wide variety of attachments, options and upgrades available both from the factory and as retrofit kits, Cat Large Motor Graders are highly customizable to fit your application-specific needs. From drive system upgrades to blade options and more, we offer everything you need to build a machine perfectly matches your needs — so you can get more out of your investment.

Rig Out Catalog

Learn more about the options available to customize your motor grader with our Rig Out Catalog.

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Rig Out Catalog
Rig Out Catalog

Upgrade Kits    

View upgrade kit options for each Cat large motor grader model in our upgrade kit catalog.

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High Performance Circle

Cat 24 and 24M Motor Graders equipped with the High-Performance Circle option can benefit from increased performance, lower maintenance costs and a significant reduction in unplanned downtime. When paired with our extended life blade rail wear strips, it can reduce total cost of ownership for the drawbar circle moldboard by up to 80%.

High Performance Circle
High Performance Circle


An Ideal Match

Cat Large Motor Graders are designed to support Cat Mining Trucks in fewer passes.

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