Over the years, numerous companies like Soiland have taken the cost-effective route to rebuild their machines rather than purchasing new ones because of Cat Card's competitive rates, flexible payment terms, and special promotional offerings. These offerings help our customers extend the life of their equipment without compromising their financial stability. By using the Cat Card, customers can easily and quickly access the funds needed to maintain and enhance their equipment's performance, boosting their overall operational efficiency and productivity.
“It frees up cash flow," says Shannon Thomas, Director of Product Support Sales at Peterson Tractor, speaking on the benefits of the Cat Card. "There are a lot of financing promotions available through the Cat Card, and the customer can earn rewards that can then be turned around and used for future parts and service business."
By offering this financial tool to customers, Cat Financial continues to solidify its position as the go-to financial partner for construction businesses seeking tailored solutions for their Cat equipment. Soiland uses the Cat Card to finance their machine rebuilds and parts and service purchases because Cat Financial’s collaboration with Peterson Tractor has made the rebuild process simple, quick, and virtually effortless.