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Increase uptime, move more material and access a Caterpillar Limited Warranty1 with Cat® GET. Take advantage of all that and more when you choose Cat GET for your large dozer.
Discuss GET With Your Dealer
No matter what kind of mine site you work on, Caterpillar has a GET solution to reduce machine downtime and increase wear life for your large dozers.
Cat dozer cutting edges and end bits are engineered to move more material while helping to increase uptime.
Cat ripper systems do more than just rip material, they improve production.
Access a Caterpillar Limited Warranty1 to get coverage for challenges as they arise.
1Warranty can vary by model and application; limitations apply. For complete details about the applicable Caterpillar Limited Warranty, contact an authorized Cat dealer.
Large dozers work in dozens of applications, climates, and environments. Adaptable Cat Ground Engaging Tool (GET) systems help deliver the site-specific edge your machines need.
Find the information you need to support your business with Caterpillar product brochures and other documents.