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Welcome to Cat Expo Live! | 10:00 AM (CT) |
Service Techs Bring Value to Your Business | 11:00 AM (CT) |
Caterpillar Product Line Demonstrations | 12:00 PM (CT) |
Product Launch Event - Next Gen Wheel Loaders & Cat Command for Small Wheel Loaders | 1:00 PM (CT) |
Cat Command Overview | 2:00 PM (CT) |
Services to Grow Your Business | 3:00 PM (CT) |
Welcome Back! What to Expect Today | 10:00 AM (CT) |
Right Machine for the Right Job - Let's Talk GC and XE | 11:00 AM (CT) |
Compact & Small Wheel Loaders | 11:00 AM (CT) |
Cold Planer Walkaround (PM312 & PM825) | 11:00 AM (CT) |
Backhoe Loaders XE & Side Shift | 11:30 AM (CT) |
Reclamation & Stabilization | 11:30 AM (CT) |
Next Gen Excavators - LIVE with your Cat Experts | 12:00 PM (CT) |
Small Dozers GRADE with 3D and Slope Assist | 12:00 PM (CT) |
"Grading the Way" - Dozers & Motor Graders | 12:30 PM (CT) |
Mini Excavator TRS6 Tiltrotator | 12:30 PM (CT) |
Cat Equipment Management | 1:00 PM (CT) |
Cat Rental Store & Online Customer Portal | 1:00 PM (CT) |
Cat Certified Used & CCU + CVA | 1:30 PM (CT) |
Skid Steer and Compact Track Loaders | 2:00 PM (CT) |
Undercarriage Maintenance for Dozers | 2:00 PM (CT) |
Cat Financial - Overview of Financing Equipment | 2:00 PM (CT) |
Smart Attachments | 2:30 PM (CT) |
Thank you // Show Close | 3:00 PM (CT) |
Customer Value Agreements (CVAs) are easy ownership plans to maximize your Cat® machine.
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