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December 26, 2023
00:00:00 Speaker 2
This episode of The Energy Pipeline is sponsored by Caterpillar Oil and Gas. Since the 1930s, Caterpillar has manufactured engines for drilling, production, well service and gas compression. With more than 2100 dealer locations worldwide, Caterpillar offers customers a dedicated support team to assist with their premier power solutions.
00:00:26 Speaker 2
The energy pipeline is your lifeline to all things oil and gas. To drill down deep into the issues impacting our industry. From the frack site to the future of sustainability, hear more about industry issues, tools, and resources to streamline and modernize the future of oil and gas. Welcome to The Energy Pipeline.
00:00:49 Mark LaCour
Hey everybody. Welcome back to the OGDN Holiday special. We know our listeners look forward to this, like crazy. It's probably the high point of your entire year. So I want to start with what do the holidays mean to each one of us? To me personally, the holidays mean generosity and family. Matt Bertrand, what do the holidays mean to you?
00:01:09 Matt Bertrand
Well, it's the birth of Christ for sure, and then time with family and friends. Absolutely.
00:01:14 Mark LaCour
Yeah. Russell Stewart.
00:01:17 Russell Stewart
Well, when I think of Christmas, I'm afraid my thoughts wouldn't be considered very politically correct today, so I might best keep them to myself.
00:01:24 Mark LaCour
Nope, this is not a politically court organization.
00:01:26 Russell Stewart
I'm just going to say that Christmas is no longer about the past or the future. It's all about the presents.
00:01:33 Mark LaCour
I love that.
00:01:34 Russell Stewart
And you know what the best Christmas present is?
00:01:37 Mark LaCour
00:01:37 Russell Stewart
A broken drum. You can't beat it.
00:01:43 Mark LaCour
inaudible. George Driscoll.
00:01:47 George Driscoll
Christmas is a period of roughly forty- eight hours that nobody bothers me from work. And boy, that's near and dear to my heart.
00:02:00 Mark LaCour
Paige Wilson. What does the holidays mean to you?
00:02:03 Paige Wilson
Jesus and Tucker.
00:02:05 Mark LaCour
Love it. Warren.
00:02:07 Warren
Yes. The whole holiday season for me is a big deal. I think it's a reminder for all of us to kind of balance our family life and what we do with the people we care about the most. Taking that time off and really focusing on not just the gristmill that we're usually in with work and everything's fast- paced. But just a reminder to take some time and be with the people we all love the most.
00:02:35 Mark LaCour
Delphina, what do the holidays mean to you?
00:02:38 Delphina
The holidays for me are about the children. It starts with the child, Jesus, being brought into this world, our Savior. And beyond us, remembering what this holiday is supposed to be all about. It is about bringing joy to the children that we have brought in this world and making sure that their lives are as wonderful as we can make them.
00:03:03 Mark LaCour
I love that. Kamal. What does the holidays mean?
00:03:07 Kamal
Holidays to me means friends and families and everything bright and sweet, and the time that we spend with each other and the memories that we make.
00:03:16 Mark LaCour
Love it. Joe.
00:03:18 Joe
Holidays for me mean eggnog, extra cooking, happy birthday, Jesus, and getting dolled up. Getting to wear fun clothes that you only get to wear once or twice a year.
00:03:32 Mark LaCour
Mr. Duff, what do the holidays mean to you?
00:03:35 Mr. Duff
Family for me. Getting the people that travel from around the globe coming together and then thinking about the people that are gone that are not longer here, and some good memories as a child and also great grandparents, etc. Yeah, so time away from work. A bit like Jordan, no one touches you. But a lot more family time. Rest, be thankful. And then think about the ones that we've lost.
00:03:58 Mark LaCour
And Audrey not least, but last.
00:04:02 Audrey
Well, I'm Jewish, so Christmas means nothing to me, but I guess Chinese food and going to the movies, man.
00:04:13 Mark LaCour
Perfect. All right, so we're now going to serenade you, audience, while Jordan reads poetry, which will probably be the first and most likely last time you've heard Aaron read poetry. You ready? Let's do the jingle bell thing.
00:04:32 Jordan
Twas the night before Christmas and all the studio mics were ready for business. The headphones were set by the mixers with care in hopes that some listeners would soon be there. The podcast hosts were nestled all snug in their chairs, while visions of viral episodes danced in their heads, I had my mic warmed up for our holiday theme and hoped I could set a festive podcasting theme. When out over the channels arose such a clatter. I turned up the sound to hear what was the matter. Tuned to the frequency I heard a jolly laugh. It was good old Saint Nick come to join on our behalf. He had a voice perfect for radio fame, and cheerfully called out each podcaster by name. Now Paige, now Joe, now Jordan, and Russell. There's a reason you're the best, so you'd better hustle. To top off iTunes, ranks higher we fly, with professional hosts and downloads, head for the sky. So up the stairs, Saint Nick, he flew with a sleigh full of toys and proud podcasters, too. And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight. Merry Christmas to all. And keep your mics bright.
00:05:53 Mark LaCour
I love it. This is great.
00:05:56 Matt Bertrand
I like it.
00:05:57 Mark LaCour
All right. Great job, Jordan. All right. Hey team, real quick. I have bought all of us a trip to go on a rig tour. Y'all don't know about this, you now know about it. So the entire team is going to tour a rig. We'll work out the details later, but that is my Christmas present to you is let's get on a rig and look at some dirty steel drilling, punching holes in the ground...
00:06:19 Matt Bertrand
Let's do it.
00:06:19 Mark LaCour
...in the new year.
00:06:20 Matt Bertrand
Cool. All right.
00:06:21 Mark LaCour
It's going to be a blast.
00:06:23 Matt Bertrand
It's going to be fun.
00:06:25 Mark LaCour
All right, for all our listeners, thank you so much for listening to our podcast. Without you, it'd just be a bunch of weird people sitting here talking to themselves. We appreciate, I mean, we appreciate each and every one of you. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year.
00:06:38 Delphina
Happy holidays.
00:06:39 Mark LaCour
See y'all.
00:06:40 Speaker 14
Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. Happy Hanukkah. Shalom. Happy Holidays. Where is everybody? Oh, I'm late. Oops. Merry Christmas.