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December 25, 2024
In this festive OGGN Christmas Special, the hosts and co-hosts engage in a fun-filled quiz that tests their holiday knowledge. The conversation flows from introductions to a series of light-hearted trivia questions, with plenty of laughter and banter along the way. The episode wraps up with warm holiday wishes and a humorous note about one particular listener.
00:00:09 Jordan Driscoll
Welcome to the OGGN Christmas special episode. We are here with a sizable portion of the team here, and I would argue all the coolest kids, plus business Daddy LaCour Mark, why don't you say, hey.
00:00:22 Mark
Hello, everybody.
00:00:23 Jordan Driscoll
That was Mark. Awesome. Hey.
00:00:26 Paige
Hey, what's up? I'm a host on Oil and Gas This Week, and Oil and Gas Industry Leaders, and I have tiny hands.
00:00:33 Jordan Driscoll
And very red lipstick, we're all grateful for. Joe Batir.
00:00:36 Joe Batir
Yes. Hello, everybody, I am the host of the Energy Transition Solutions podcast.
00:00:42 Jordan Driscoll
Yes, you are. Russell.
00:00:44 Russel Stewart
Russell Stewart. I'm the host of the OGGN HSE podcast. I'm also the oldest, most technologically challenged of... And I don't want to say I'm old and worn out, but I make sure I'm nowhere near the curb on trash day.
00:01:02 Jordan Driscoll
Also, the most stately and handsome gentleman here. Andrew, a new host we got lined up. Why don't you say something, Andrew?
00:01:08 Andrew
Hello. Hey, everybody. I'm Andrew Chrostowski, host of the newest show on OGGN, the Connected Worker Podcast. Great to be here.
00:01:15 Jordan Driscoll
Great to have you. Audrey.
00:01:17 Audrey
00:01:21 Jordan Driscoll
00:01:22 Audrey
I'm a co-host with Paige on the Five Stars and Under podcast.
00:01:25 Paige
Oh, I forgot that one. My bad.
00:01:27 Audrey
Wow. Wow.
00:01:28 Jordan Driscoll
It's a great show. Check it out. Check it out.
00:01:30 Paige
Dude, I have three.
00:01:32 Audrey
Thumbs down.
00:01:33 Jordan Driscoll
Delfina, what do you got?
00:01:34 Delfina Govia
Hello, everybody. Delfina Govia. I am the host of Champions of Sustainability. And, I am one of the 16 listeners of Jordan Driscoll's political show.
00:01:48 Jordan Driscoll
Loyal 16, baby. Love that. Elena?
00:01:52 Elena Melchert
I'm Elena Melchert. I'm the host of Oil and Gas Upstream.
00:01:56 Jordan Driscoll
Yes, you are. KC.
00:01:58 KC Yost
I just wondered if, Elena, was that field and stream? Hi, everyone, I'm KC Yost. I'm the second level newbie, here. I host the Energy Pipeline podcast, sponsored by Caterpillar Oil & Gas. Got to get that plug in.
00:02:17 Jordan Driscoll
Hashtag sponsors. Hey, you might be second in terms of newbie, but you're first in my heart.
00:02:21 KC Yost
00:02:21 Jordan Driscoll
And I, of course, I am Jordan Driscoll, host of Context is For King, with its groundbreaking, 17 listeners, and 1 billion band listeners, or-
00:02:34 Audrey
So basically, China.
00:02:34 Jordan Driscoll
I don't know what China's population. China, yeah.
00:02:36 Audrey
00:02:37 Jordan Driscoll
inaudible China. But all in all, we are good. We are here today to do the Christmas episode, so we're glad you joined us. I'm going to hand it off to my boy Russell, who is going to give us a quiz to test our festive knowledge. Russell, take it away.
00:02:49 Russel Stewart
Okay. So these questions have been hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise jar on Orville Redenbacher's front porch, or whatever that was. So don't blame me for the questions, here. I'm like, Will Rogers, all I know is what I read in the newspapers. We're going to start off with a real easy one here first. What is the full name of Santa Claus? Is it St. Nick, St. Colossus, St. Charles or St. Nicholas?
00:03:14 All speakers
St. Nicholas.
00:03:15 Russel Stewart
All right. I told you. I told you that was an easy one.
00:03:19 Jordan Driscoll
I think St. Colossus is the best name, though.
00:03:23 Russel Stewart
Okay. Who is not one of Santa's reindeer in the song, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
00:03:30 KC Yost
00:03:30 Russel Stewart
Is it Cupid, Prancer, Donner or Chopper?
00:03:33 All speakers
Chopper. Chopper. Chappa.
00:03:36 Russel Stewart
Okay. All right. They get harder. Okay?
00:03:38 KC Yost
I hope so.
00:03:39 Russel Stewart
How many ghosts appeared in a Christmas Carol?
00:03:42 Audrey
00:03:43 Russel Stewart
Is it 4, 5, 3, or 12?
00:03:45 Audrey
00:03:46 Mark
00:03:46 KC Yost
00:03:49 Russel Stewart
The number is four.
00:03:51 Audrey
Oh, four.
00:03:52 Russel Stewart
00:03:53 Paige
00:03:54 Jordan Driscoll
Oh, yeah. Old Fezziwig.
00:03:55 Mark
00:03:56 Russel Stewart
All right. I told you they get harder in the song. In the song 12 Days of Christmas what new gift did their True Love send on the ninth day? Pipers piping, maids a milking, lords a leaping or ladies dancing?
00:04:10 Elena Melchert
Ladies dancing.
00:04:10 All speakers
Ladies dancing.
00:04:12 Russel Stewart
You guys are good. Wow. That is absolutely correct.
00:04:17 Jordan Driscoll
I was going to go for maids to milking, but...
00:04:20 Russel Stewart
This is one's too easy. We'll-
00:04:22 Joe Batir
Can I add a quick story there?
00:04:25 Russel Stewart
Go ahead.
00:04:25 Joe Batir
So every year at the Dallas Arboretum, if you're in the Dallas area, they have a setup both Santa's village, but then they also have stages for each of the 12 days of Christmas that are like you go Jordan, little animatronic things that show whatever that day is.
00:04:45 Elena Melchert
That is too cool.
00:04:48 Joe Batir
I wouldn't know all 12 days, but I have seen all 12 days, some of them more appropriate than others.
00:04:56 Elena Melchert
And my 12 days of Christmas story is not as good as Joe's. But at the Kennedy Center, they always have the children's program on a Saturday matinee, and you have to act out the 12 days of Christmas and a partridge in a pear tree.
00:05:13 Mark
Well, since we're telling stories, in the eighties, when I was in Germany for Christmas in the Marine Corps, I came into the barracks and there was this little pine tree in a bucket. It did not have a single needle on the pine tree, and there was a 308 empty round tied with a red ribbon to the middle of the tree. I go, "What is this?" They go, "It's a cartridge in a bear tree."
00:05:38 Elena Melchert
That's good.
00:05:39 Russel Stewart
I wasn't going to get into those silly trivia things, but Well, maybe, Hey, this next one's too easy, but I'm going to see if Jordan has something lewd to say about it. When you're under a mistletoe, it means what?
00:05:53 Jordan Driscoll
You're getting lucky tonight. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'll change my answer. This might get edited out in post. We'll see if you're under a mistletoe, she pretty much has to.
00:06:06 Russel Stewart
Yeah, that one will have to be edited out. Okay. All right. This monster is said to be the evil counterpart of Santa Claus, punishing misbehaving children on Christmas. Is it the Gremlin?
00:06:17 Jordan Driscoll
Jordan Driscoll.
00:06:18 Russel Stewart
The Leprechaun, the Wendigo or the Krampus?
00:06:18 All speakers
Krampus. Krampus.
00:06:18 Paige
Always Krampus.
00:06:21 Russel Stewart
Krampus. That's correct. Okay. All right. Who's saying I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus?
00:06:30 Paige
Tammy Wynette. I don't know.
00:06:32 Russel Stewart
Okay, here's your choice. Was Mariah Carey, Vince Guaraldi Trio, The Ronettes or the Jackson Five?
00:06:39 Audrey
Jackson five.
00:06:40 Russel Stewart
You're absolutely right, Audra. That's exactly right.
00:06:42 Mark
Really? I would have got that one wrong.
00:06:43 Paige
OH she got something right.
00:06:44 Jordan Driscoll
I would've said Shirley Temple, but I don't know.
00:06:46 Paige
I'm a Jew and I know none of these who wrote I for something again.
00:06:53 Russel Stewart
Who wrote How The Grinch Stole Christmas? Everybody knows that.
00:06:56 Paige
Dr. Seuss.
00:06:57 Russel Stewart
Dr. Seuss. Okay. All right. Yeah, that one was too easy.
00:07:02 Paige
It's my favorite.
00:07:06 Russel Stewart
Okay. Where was Jesus born? In Babylon, Galilee, Eden or Bethlehem?
00:07:13 All speakers
00:07:14 Paige
Two for two.
00:07:16 Russel Stewart
Okay. What was used for Frosty the Snowman's nose?
00:07:19 Paige
00:07:21 All speakers
A carrot.
00:07:24 Russel Stewart
Your choice.
00:07:24 Joe Batir
The song says button nose.
00:07:25 Russel Stewart
Your choices are carrot, coal, radish or button.
00:07:29 Paige
00:07:30 Russel Stewart
You're going with button, huh?
00:07:31 Paige
I'm going with button.
00:07:32 Joe Batir
Button, nose and two eyes made out of coal.
00:07:34 Paige
Coal. Exactly.
00:07:34 Elena Melchert
Oh, you're right. I did say that.
00:07:37 Russel Stewart
All right, button.
00:07:37 Jordan Driscoll
Come on Russell.
00:07:38 Russel Stewart
Button is correct.
00:07:39 Elena Melchert
Show as a carrot.
00:07:41 Joe Batir
Okay, get
00:07:42 Elena Melchert
What about the snowman? What about the red one? Or what's that movie? Red?
00:07:46 Paige
I don't know that's sounds like-
00:07:47 Elena Melchert
That's a new movie for Christmas. And it is this army of snowmen because they've taken the North Pole. They all have carrots for their nose. So that's why I thought.
00:07:56 Andrew
But Frosty-
00:07:57 Joe Batir
I mean a frozen carrot is more dangerous than a button.
00:08:00 Russel Stewart
00:08:00 Joe Batir
So if I was going to be an army of snowmen, I would've a carrot nose.
00:08:04 Russel Stewart
Speaking of movies, which actor played six characters in the movie Polar Express? Jim Carrey, John Hutcherson, Steven Tyler or Tom Hanks?
00:08:13 All speakers
Tom Hanks.
00:08:14 Russel Stewart
Tom Hanks. That's correct. The first artificial Christmas tree was made with feathers. From which bird? A chicken and ostrich, a swan or a goose?
00:08:24 Jordan Driscoll
00:08:24 Mark
00:08:26 Elena Melchert
00:08:27 Russel Stewart
The answer is Goose.
00:08:30 Joe Batir
That is a boring tree.
00:08:33 Mark
Not to the goose.
00:08:34 Paige
That's a dangerous tree.
00:08:36 Russel Stewart
Which holiday is Christmas on December 26, A day after Christmas in the UK?
00:08:42 Jordan Driscoll
Boxing Day.
00:08:42 Russel Stewart
Boxing Day. That's exactly right. We had to get that in for our international audience though. Okay. Which is a song by Elvis Presley. White Christmas, Green Christmas, Red Christmas or Blue Christmas?
00:08:53 Joe Batir
00:08:55 Russel Stewart
That's right.
00:08:56 Joe Batir
Can you sing a little bit of it for us?
00:08:58 Russel Stewart
Santa's favorite singer is Elfish Presley.
00:09:05 Elena Melchert
Sing it.
00:09:06 Jordan Driscoll
Sing it.
00:09:08 Russel Stewart
Let's see. I'll have a blue blue Christmas without you.
00:09:14 Jordan Driscoll
Without you.
00:09:16 Russel Stewart
And when those blue heartaches start hurting.
00:09:23 Jordan Driscoll
Okay somebody get Elena to-
00:09:24 Russel Stewart
You'll be doing all right with your Christmas So bright. And I'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas.
00:09:36 Mark
This is a great place to wind this thing down. Want to wish all of our listeners Merry Christmas, Happy New Year's. Happy Holiday. Just appreciate-
00:09:45 Paige
Happy Hanukkah.
00:09:45 Mark
Happy Hanukkah. Just appreciate each and every one of y'all for listening because without y'all, it would be this gang talking amongst themselves, which would be kind of weird. inaudible.
00:09:56 Paige
Think this is funny. You should see how our meetings go.
00:09:58 Jordan Driscoll
You should, except there is one listener that I do not wish a happy Christmas to, and that's Greg. And you know what you did. And you know, don't deserve a good Christmas. But everyone else, Merry Christmas. Merry to everybody else except that one Greg.
00:10:14 Audrey
00:10:15 Mark
Merry Christmas everybody.
00:10:16 All speakers
Merry Christmas.
00:10:17 Audrey
00:10:17 Jordan Driscoll
Ho ho ho.
KC Yost, Jr is a third generation pipeliner with 48 years of experience in the energy industry. Since receiving his BS in Civil Engineering from West Virginia University, KC earned his MBA from the University of Houston in 1983 and became a Licensed Professional Engineer in 27 states. He has served on the Board of Directors and on various Associate Member committees for the Southern Gas Association; is a past president and director of the Houston Pipeliners Association; and was named the Pipeliners Association of Houston “Pipeliner of the Year” in 2002. KC is an expert regarding pipeline and facility design, construction, and inspection; has spoken before federal, state, and local boards and numerous industry forums around the world; and has published articles on these same subjects.