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Our engineers spent thousands of hours talking to undercarriage users and examining performance in high-abrasion, low-to-medium-impact applications. They saw firsthand where you’d gain the most from undercarriage improvements. The design innovations of Cat® Abrasion™ are derived from these real-world applications and deliver real results for your operation.
We redesigned Cat Abrasion’s sealed, cartridge-style joints so they perform better and last longer than their predecessor, SystemOne™. The cartridge may look the same on the outside, but the coating and seals inside are different — and better — to extend life and lower your costs.
Critical updates in Cat Abrasion cartridge design improve sealability and deliver up to double the seal life compared to SystemOne. That's how it delivers the lowest-cost-per-hour solution.
Take a side-by-side look.
Cat® Abrasion™ |
SystemOne™ |
Coating on Seal Counterface | New XL coating cuts down on corrosion and end grooving | Stainless-steel coating |
Load Ring on Track Sealing System | New shape expands and contracts to prevent packing in mud and freeze/thaw conditions | Old shape contributed to packing and dry joints in heavy mud and freeze/thaw conditions |
Lip/Band on Track Sealing System | Sealed lip/band greatly decreases seal-face groove rate | Undefined lip/band |