Versatile, Efficient, Cost-Cutting Tools


Cat® Wheel Tractor-Scrapers

When you add a Cat wheel tractor-scraper to your mining fleet, you gain a versatile tool that can provide value in multiple applications — from reclamation and primary mining to building roads and making the initial box-cut. They can also be used to spread crushed stone to improve traction during wet weather, which keeps your haulage fleet moving.

They work as selective mining tools, so you can pick specific areas in the mine and quickly send the scraper fleet to work. In the right conditions, such as those with a low percentage of rock or moderate haul distances, they can actually cut your operating costs. No matter the task at hand, Cat scrapers are a highly flexible, cost-cutting addition to your fleet.

Wheel Tractor-Scraper Models

Why Choose A Cat Wheel Tractor-Scraper?

Integrated Cat Link hardware and software makes it possible for you to take the guesswork out of managing your Cat Wheel Tractor-Scraper.

  • Product Link™ allows you to track asset location, hours, fuel usage, diagnostic codes, idle time, and more to improve your productivity and lower your operating costs. Cellular connectivity comes standard while Satellite connectivity is available as an option.

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  • Using the online VisionLink® interface, you can see a common, collective view of your information, making it easier to manage a mixed fleet and make informed decisions about your equipment

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Cat Inspect allows you to access your equipment data on your mobile device. This easy-to-use app lets you capture inspection data and integrates with your other Cat data systems, so you can keep a close eye on your fleet. More than one million inspections are completed each year, providing convenience and accountability to equipment owners. The solution auto-populates your current fleet data and integrates with VisionLink, making it easier to track machine health.




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