Track, Monitor, Manage and Automate Your Assets

Trucks dumping
Trucks dumping

Cat® MineStar™ Operations Solutions


Are you looking for ways to make your mining  operations more efficient, safe, productive and  profitable? Cat® MineStar™ can help.

MineStar provides the ability to measure, monitor, manage and automate all types of assets — from people to production and  auxiliary machines. There are solutions to help you assign fleets,  manage material movement, evaluate operator performance, implement autonomy, gather production data, and use that information to gain insights that can lead to better business decisions.  

Whether you’re ready to integrate your first basic technology  product or well down the path toward autonomous mining, there’s a Cat MineStar Solution for you. 

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Equipment Tracking

MineStar Equipment Tracking provides information on mobile assets, telling supervisors what the fleet is doing, who is operating which machine, and how they are utilizing their time. 

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Equipment Tracking
Equipment Tracking

Production Recording

MineStar Production Recording helps surface and underground mines of all types and sizes improve the efficiency of their operations, enabling an increase in their overall tons produced.

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Production Recording
Production Recording

People Management

MineStar People Management helps you measure and manage operator activities so you can improve on the outcomes they deliver — which can lead to a more consistent operation and lower cost per ton.

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People Management
People Management

Material Management

MineStar Material Management solutions make it possible for mines to ensure the right material blend is  sent for processing to create the optimum final product.

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Material Management
Material Management


MineStar Optimization helps to ensure that you are continuously getting the right material to the right place at the right time by measuring and optimizing assets such as your equipment, material, personnel and mine model. 

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Business Insight Solutions

MineStar Business Insight Solutions give you easy access to high-quality data by allowing integration with multiple applications across the mine site, providing easy reporting and exporting capabilities, and enabling data publishing.

Business Insight Solutions
Business Insight Solutions

Surface Management

The Surface Management capability helps you measure, visualize, design, execute and analyze the mining surface and engineering design of the operation. Providing real-time visual and actuals of the operation enables efficient mine design creation and execution with supporting data and analytics.

Surface Management
Surface Management

Cat MineStar Command


Cat MineStar Command makes it possible for miners to automate their mining processes, automate individual tasks, remotely control machines, or implement a completely autonomous fleet of machines that operate around the clock with no human intervention.

Individual technology offerings can be used alone or combined in multiple ways to get the most out of your equipment investment and help your sites become safer, more efficient, more productive, and ultimately, more profitable.

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