Two men talking throuhg the window of a vehicle
Two men talking throuhg the window of a vehicle

Cat® MineStar™ Maintenance Solutions

Cat® MineStar™ Solutions can help you take your maintenance approach from reactive to proactive — helping you improve equipment availability and reliability.

MineStar solutions for maintenance help keep you connected to your machines so you can avoid problems before they significantly impact your operations, run machines as efficiently as possible for as long as possible, and keep unplanned downtime to a minimum.

MineStar integrates directly with the machine’s electronics, monitoring and reporting on all aspects of its health and performance. This data allows you to compare each machine to the rest of your fleet or to established benchmarks and enables you to detect issues early and correct them—often with simple, routine procedures instead of the long and costly repairs an undetected issue can cause.


Maintenance products and services enable you to collect and transmit equipment data, monitor critical machine parameters, obtain real-time alerts, analyze operational trends and patterns, predict failures and receive repair recommendations — assisting you with proactive maintenance services and predictive equipment analysis.

  • Boost machine availability
  • Reduce unplanned downtime
  • Prevent costly failures
  • Make informed decisions
  • Track performance 

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Collection — Gather Data

Electronic sensors and control systems on your equipment generate large volumes of critical data, which you can use to monitor machine health and condition, track equipment hours and usage, improve work flows and production cycles, and improve machine uptime. But that information doesn’t become useful until you have access to it.

Our robust MineStar connectivity solutions collect and transmit this critical data so you can use it to make the right maintenance decisions — decisions that allow you to improve reliability, reduce unplanned downtime and prevent failures. This data becomes even more valuable when leveraged in our off-board applications and services.




Visualization — Easily Access Your Data

MineStar applications provide visualization and reporting of machine electronic data — from diagnostic tools for technicians and a site-based visualization and reporting tool, to innovative offerings that deliver insights you can use to take your maintenance organization from reactive to proactive.


Analysis — Gain Insights

Cat Health Equipment Insights and Office applications provide the tools to analyze your machine health and make informed decisions to improve your maintenance and repair activities as well as your equipment’s performance.

You can also collaborate with your Cat dealer to take advantage of condition monitoring services. With access to a global database of machines, dealers can provide timely maintenance recommendations that let you focus on mining while they focus on the health of your equipment.

Condition monitoring combines the strengths of your maintenance organization with those of your local Cat dealer and Caterpillar. It leverages analytics to deploy a predictive maintenance initiative that:

  • Utilizes machine condition monitoring data for analytics.
  • Improves availability and reliability through predictive maintenance.
  • Empowers reliability engineers to improve maintenance planning.
  • Extends machine life.

Customer Testimonial

Hear from a real customer about how Cat MineStar Maintenance Solutions helped them optimize their maintenance strategy in extreme conditions.

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Health Equipment Insights

Cat MineStar Health Equipment Insights is a cloud-hosted, internet-accessible data visualization and reporting tool with customizable, interactive data dashboards and intuitive drill-down functions.

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