See, Mitigate And Manage The Hidden Risks Of Fatigue And Distraction

Man Operating Machine with Detect Driver Safety System
Man Operating Machine with Detect Driver Safety System

Cat® Detect Driver Safety System (DSS) For Construction

Ever experience a momentary lapse of attention when driving because you're tired or distracted? It happens to all of us. But when it happens to equipment operators, the consequences can be costly — even fatal. Enter the Cat® Detect Driver Safety System (DSS). Ideal for hauling applications or jobs that require long shifts, this in-cab detection technology helps identify and address fatigue and distraction events, enhancing operator safety.


Stay vigilant amid the hustle of a job site that never stops. Fatigue and distraction are invisible threats that the Cat Driver Safety System helps to see, mitigate, and manage. Harnessing the power of AI, the in-cab camera monitors the operator's head position, movement, and over 60 facial features that prompt the alarm and seat vibrations to bring the operator back to attention.

Fight Fatigue Right In The Cab

Fatigue is tricky because it's hard to self-diagnose. By the time an operator realizes fatigue is bearing down, it's possible they have already experienced multiple "microsleeps" — short sleeps of two to 20 seconds that can be extremely dangerous behind the controls. By alerting operators back into attention, DSS can save lives.

Man Operating Machine with Detect Driver Safety System
Man Operating Machine with Detect Driver Safety System

Manage Safety In Real Time

DSS uses artificial intelligence to detect signs of microsleep or distraction, like eye closure, facial changes and head orientation. If operators get distracted, an alarm sounds. If operators close their eyes for more than 1.5 seconds, an alarm sounds and the seat shakes to wake them up.

Woman Monitoring Computer
Woman Monitoring Computer

Go From Distraction To Action

In addition to nudging operators back to attention, DSS captures data from every fatigue or distraction event. It transmits a secure, encrypted event data file to Caterpillar’s 24/7 monitoring center for analysis. Trained safety advisors confirm, categorize and classify each event, then initiate your company's risk intervention plan.

Hauling truck Outside
Hauling truck Outside



Cat Safety Technology for Construction

From simple seat belt reminders and camera systems to full-fledged remote control operation, our safety solutions can help you protect people, property and profits. 

Take a Look
Close-up of man holding a safety hat
Close-up of man holding a safety hat



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