How to Repair Your Cat® Hydraulics

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

Your machine’s hydraulic oil protects the hydraulic system from contamination. But it’s not as simple as that. To keep Cat® hydraulics working at their best, you’ll need to perform regular maintenance. Lucky for you, you can do it yourself. 

It’s time for contamination 101. Get ready to learn when you watch this video or review the information below: 




The first step to any planned maintenance is to review the guidelines tailored to your equipment in your Operation and Maintenance Manual (OMM) and wear the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE).  

Also, be sure to follow these steps before you begin hydraulic maintenance: Move your equipment to dry, level ground. Lower all implements to the ground and lock out the hydraulics. And, of course, don’t forget to turn off your engine.  

Understanding Hydraulic Contamination

Your hydraulics are vulnerable to contamination due to high operating pressures, complex components and tight tolerances. And for faster, more productive machines, the risk is even greater. This is why understanding the risk of contamination is necessary for all equipment owners. 

One specific place where contamination can enter your machine is through cylinder seals. Small imperfections in seals can lead to internal leaks and efficiency loss. And often, this damage occurs before an operator notices there’s a problem. Problems could include:

  • Lost efficiency 

  • Increased fuel costs

  • Widespread damage to parts and components  

  • Malfunction of pumps, motors and valves

  • Even catastrophic failure


Preventing Hydraulic Contamination

To avoid the costly potential of hydraulic contamination, it’s important to know how this damage can be prevented. Here are a few solutions Caterpillar offers customers. 

  • Invest in the Cat system approach. Caterpillar designs equipment parts to work together as a system. When you invest in high-quality Cat filters and fluids, you’re choosing products that are custom designed for your machines. 

  • Consider taking advantage of S•O•SSM Services. S•O•S fluid analysis can help you identify issues with hydraulic contamination before there's a noticeable impact on productivity during operation. 

  • Easily find the instructions and parts you need with Self-Service Options (SSO). This will help you have everything on hand to start your hydraulics maintenance.

  • A final way to prevent damage is through the contamination control program. Your dealer can help you avoid contamination through clean fluids, specialized tools and processes. You can also benefit from Cat certified clean repair.

Repairing Hydraulic Systems

If your hydraulic system requires repair, first determine if your hydraulic cylinder is leaking or broken. To get a deeper view into your machine, work with your Cat dealer to run technical analysis of your hydraulic system. Your dealer can also help you check cylinder drift rate, cylinder cycle time and system pressure to identify hidden issues.

Depending on the type of repair you need, you might want one of the following options:

  • Cylinder light hone and reseal: This is an option that you can schedule on your own timetable to repair before failure. Although it isn’t a comprehensive repair for a leak, it is a lower-cost repair option. 

  • Seal replacement and light honing: This is a more comprehensive repair solution that gets your machine back to performing like new.

  • Cat dealer options: And if you are interested in other repair options, consult with your Cat dealer. They can offer dealer rebuild or exchange, Cat Reman products or new Cat parts to extend your Cat machine’s hydraulic life. 

If you have any additional questions or need other support, connect with your dealer. No matter the service options you choose, always review your Operation and Maintenance Manual for information on safety procedures and other maintenance instructions.





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