digital diagnostics
digital diagnostics

How To Combat Downtime With Predictive Diagnostic Data

It’s hard to overstate the importance of planned maintenance. Inspections, fluid analysis, oil and filter changes, and other preventive steps help you keep equipment running efficiently and profitably. But don’t overlook the key role data plays, too — both catching problems early and predicting issues before they happen. With digital diagnostics and service recommendations in your toolbox, you can prioritize maintenance tasks and boost uptime.


Why Early Diagnosis Matters

Small problems can intensify fast. A clogged filter won’t just reduce efficiency over time, it can cause your engine to overheat and take a machine off the job. A worn belt doesn’t simply reduce power transfer; left for too long, it can damage more expensive components like pistons and bearings, and lead to equipment failure.

Unplanned repairs and unexpected failures often mean downtime, which creates delays, puts pressure on deadlines and can even damage your reputation if you’re unable to meet client expectations.

With planned maintenance, you can prevent problems from escalating — and now, with the advent of real-time predictive notifications, it’s even easier to know which maintenance tasks should rise to the top of your to-do list.


Right-On-Time Maintenance

If you use equipment management software like VisionLink® or access the resources available on the Cat® Central app, then you already have access to timely, personalized data about your equipment. Now there’s a new feature — the option to turn on service recommendations — that delivers actionable information right to your mobile device.

These predictive alerts that warn you of issues like a filter being clogged or low coolant, allow you to act within minutes of learning about them. That’s important because predictive maintenance is more efficient. When you can avoid acting too soon, too late or too often, you can save time and money.


Solve Problems, Save Time

Even better, service recommendations do more than just warn you about potential issues. They also include tailored recommendations that fit your equipment’s specific needs and link you to resources to solve the problem.

For example, if you receive a predictive notification that your backhoe loader is due for Level 2 PM service in two weeks. Right from the message, you can either click to schedule that service with us — or you can go straight to a shopping cart on or Cat Central pre-populated with everything you need to do the work yourself. It’s fast, convenient and personalized to you.


Easy-To-Understand, Real-Time Diagnostics

How does the process work, exactly? It’s simple.

You turn on the option to receive service recommendations in VisionLink or Cat Central. Behind the scenes, technology is constantly gathering relevant data: telematics, fluid analysis, inspections, engineering recommendations, dealer service records and more. Predictive analytics and machine learning tools study that data in real time to predict critical service events for your equipment.

When there’s a need for you to take action, a notification pops up on your mobile device. As your dealer, we’re notified, too, so we’re ready to help with parts or repairs if necessary. Worried about getting too many alerts? You can decide how you receive notifications — on your mobile device and elsewhere — by adjusting your settings in VisionLink or Cat Central anytime.

It’s time you started defeating downtime with real-time diagnostic data. We’re here to help. Let us show you how to turn on service recommendations for your equipment.

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