Meet Your Co-Host: Wayne Zemke

By Danielle Foelber and Wayne Zemke | Posted July, 2023

Constant change is a characteristic of the oil and gas industry. Markets change, regulations change, technologies change—and with each change, companies need to understand how to adapt to continue to grow their businesses. With co-host Wayne Zemke, Market Intelligence Manager for Caterpillar Oil & Gas, the Energy Pipeline podcast is a source for information and expert perspectives on the evolving energy industry. With more than 10 years in market intelligence, he has tracked shifts across this space and their impact on oil and gas companies. This experience gives him a valuable viewpoint on industry developments.

“I love being part of the oil and gas industry because it’s so dynamic and plays such a significant part in everyday life,” Wayne said. “As the only constant is change, industry forecasting is not only a big challenge but also thrilling.”

As co-host, Wayne brings a blend of historic and modern insights on the trends and transformations oil field service providers, drilling companies and operators face. He keeps his “finger on the pulse” of the sector, enabling listeners to understand the nuances of ensuring a multi-source energy mix that can meet the world’s global energy demands.

“I look forward to delving into trends, complexities and success strategies with industry visionaries on the podcast to illuminate the exciting developments in energy.”




The Energy Pipeline Podcast

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