How to Select & Install Cat® O-rings

Estimated read time: 2 minutes

For such a small part, o-rings can have a big impact on your equipment’s performance.

Let’s look at how to select and install new o-rings.

Before you get started, though, check your Operation and Maintenance Manual (OMM) for proper safety procedures, and always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

Check out this video to see how to replace old o-rings, then read on for more information.




More About O-rings

When you’re ready to install a new o-ring, make sure you have the right one. You can order a general use kit from your dealer. It will contain the o-rings you need most often.

But don’t simply pick according to color or size. There is no industry standard for colors. And even if it’s the right size, the material could react poorly to the fluid that’s being sealed.

Here you can see a new ring. The one above it is the exact same ring. But it got damaged when it was submerged in an incompatible fluid.

You can check material and fluid compatibility in your One Safe Source Catalog. And for more help, talk to your Cat dealer.


Installing O-rings

Once you’re sure you have the right ring, check that it’s been properly stored. Keep o-rings packaged till you’re ready to use them. And only install brand new rings. Reusing them can compromise the system they’re installed in.

And make sure the rings you have aren’t too old. Rubber, for example, has a shelf life of 5 to 10 years.

Your One Safe Source Catalog lists several more tips for taking care of o-rings.

When you’re ready to replace an old ring:

  1. Prepare your machine for service.
  2. Remove the old ring using a brass or plastic pick. Other tools can damage the groove.
  3. Clean the groove with a lint-free wipe.
  4. Insert the ring through the slot in your installation tool. Your Cat dealer can help you find which tool you need.
  5. Now, put the end of the fitting onto the tool and press the plunger.
  6. Make sure the o-ring is secure by doing a finger sweep.

If it feels right and looks right, you’re good to go.

For more information and support, connect with your dealer. And always check your Operation and Maintenance Manual for specific instruction and safety procedures.





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