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Stories from Summer 2023 Caterpillar Oil & Gas and Marine Interns
By Kadiyatu Mayah| Posted December 2023
Summer may feel far away, but it’s always internship season at Caterpillar. Each year, talented young professionals spend several months learning from the industry’s experts. Like most internships, each intern’s skill set is diverse — and so are their personalities! "Confessions of an Intern" showcases each intern's unique perspective, infectious personality and individual experience at Caterpillar Oil & Gas and Marine.
Will Boucher – Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
Excited and Scared
"I was familiar with Caterpillar, especially having worked with a Cat dealer before. When I learned that I was offered an internship, I was immediately stressed because of the weight of being an intern and wanted to make sure I left a great impression."
Kaleb Christenson – Industrial Distribution, Texas A&M University
Ecstatic and Curious
"I was initially curious and nervous at the same time. I did not know what to expect. When you get the title of your role, you somewhat understand what that entails, but you do not really know what you are doing until you get here. I was excited to see what I would be working on!"
Jackson Gloyna – Industrial Distribution, Texas A&M University
Eager and Elated
"My first thought was, 'This is going to be a fun summer learning about and seeing Cat Oil & Gas equipment in person!' Having a prior understanding of the oil and gas industry because of my family, I was excited to expand my knowledge about how Caterpillar contributes to the industry. After learning that I would be an intern with the Oil & Gas team, I was excited about the opportunity to visit customer sites and view the equipment in operation."
Hunter Moore – Economics, Texas A&M University
Thrilled and Surprised
"I was happy to receive an offer, and I accepted it instantly! I originally thought Caterpillar was about tractors and mining, so I was interested to see how they did business in the oil and gas industry."
Matthew Cain – Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
Nervous and Excited
"I was excited since I was going to be working for one of the largest Fortune 100 companies in the country, and I was excited to gain the experience to learn more about the oil and gas industry, but I was nervous as well since this was going to be the first time being in an office setting, as well as working with the industry."
Jon Smith – Agriculture Leadership & Development, Texas A&M University
Honored and Nervous
"I was extremely excited. Getting the opportunity to be a part of such a prestigious company is an honor. I knew a previous intern, and he told me that although we are interns, the company makes you feel like you are a team member. I was also nervous knowing Caterpillar has roughly 109k employees, as I had only worked for smaller family-owned businesses prior to coming to Caterpillar."
Will Boucher – Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
Thomas Shim
"He is always engaging with me every opportunity he gets and sharing what he knows. We laugh a lot together, and I value his time spent with me."
Kaleb Christenson – Industrial Distribution, Texas A&M University
Thiago Palhares
"He is an incredibly open and kind person. In the beginning, we talked about work, but once I got to know him more, we connected over family and our hobbies. We have a personal relationship, and I appreciate getting to know him beyond work."
Jackson Gloyna – Industrial Distribution, Texas A&M University
Andy Publes
"He is an amazing guy who has accomplished so much in his life, which inspires me. He has been an excellent role model while being an intern at Caterpillar."
Hunter Moore – Economics, Texas A&M University
Jay Rene
"We have a similar story of how we ended up at Caterpillar, which is a cool thing to connect on. He is huge on relationship-building, and we share many hobbies. He gave me great advice on how to have a healthy work/life balance, and I value that. I will definitely keep in contact with him after my internship!"
Matthew Cain – Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
"One of the meaningful connections that I have made so far [is] with fellow interns. This is especially prevalent for the interns who are also attending the same school as [I] because I know we are going to continue to do things together when back on campus."
Jon Smith – Agriculture Leadership & Development, Texas A&M University
Steve Ransom
"A meaningful connection I have made so far is with someone outside of Caterpillar. I was able to connect with a packager during a tour that all the interns got to take at SEC Energy. One of our tour guides, Steve Ransom, graduated from Texas A&M University in 1994. He and I connected over both being Aggies and have since grabbed lunch together and will hopefully play golf soon. I never would have thought this internship would bring me such a meaningful connection to someone, not only professionally, but also personally."
Lemuel Chineyemba – Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University
Xavier Horton
"My connection with my boss, Xavier, has been impeccable. He looks out for me in every single way possible. Overall, just an amazing person to work with!"
Learn more about Caterpillar’s internship program.
School’s out and internship season has officially begun! Students from across the country joined Caterpillar’s internship program to develop their skills as they worked alongside our oil and gas and marine experts. Our Confessions of an Intern series highlights their unique perspectives, infectious personalities, and memorable experiences as a Caterpillar Oil & Gas and Marine Intern.
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