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To support pressure pumping operators in accelerating high-performance hydraulic fracturing applications and doing more with less in tough environments, SPM™ Oil & Gas Product Manager Connor Docherty is working to develop robust pumping solutions that are built to last longer. Learn how his role is making an impact at Caterpillar and beyond.
I attended the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow and earned a joint master’s degree in electrical and mechanical engineering, which included international studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. After graduating, I rotated in an engineering program that led to a job at Weir Oil and Gas (now SPM Oil & Gas) as an R&D/advanced engineer. Now, I’m a product manager.
Alongside my engineering degree, I also earned a Master of Science in Finance, and I am now completing an MBA from the Imperial College Business School in London.
As oil and gas operations continue to evolve, I’m committed to making sure we’re developing a robust pumping solutions pipeline to support well services operators through these transitions. My role is to help pump operators succeed in our changing industries.
While my days can vary depending on a range of factors, I always connect with our quality, operations, manufacturing and marketing teams. I might spend the majority of my time scoping our next big product or program launch, then meet with an energy company to understand their product needs. I also meet regularly with our supply chain team to review product and supply strategies.
I’m most excited about high-horsepower (HP) applications becoming quicker and more durable in extreme conditions. When I first joined the industry, the focus was on pumps with 3,000-HP capacity, such as the QEM 3000 Frac Pump. Now we have 5,000-HP applications. Higher HP continues to bring new and different challenges, with bigger rates, bigger pumps, bigger fluid ends and newer requirements. This pushes us to be innovative when developing the latest technologies.
There’s no better feeling than taking a concept or idea that started out as a conversation and making it a reality. For example, I was there from the beginning when we launched the EdgeX Carbide Seat, a patented frac valve seat design that supports pressure pumpers in reducing operational downtime. It set a new standard for long-lasting wear and tear, with six times the longevity compared to conventional valve seats.
We’re not just trying to keep pace but striving to lead those changes in our industry by bringing forward innovative technologies and solutions. That means staying close to operators and understanding what’s on the horizon.
An example is being the first to deliver a large-bore technology with fewer connections via the Simplified Frac Iron System, which reduces rig-up time and maximizes power straight to the wellbore.
For me, it’s the scale and scope of what Caterpillar does in the oil and gas industry. As part of Caterpillar, SPM Oil & Gas touches a huge cross-section of oil and gas in terms of how and where we can support. The benefits we can scale across the entire oil and gas value chain make working for a company like Caterpillar unique and exciting.
We’re seeing more financial management and discipline shaping operations and supply chain decision-making, from the boardroom to the way upstream companies operate in the field. We’ll continue to see operators doing more with less — and faster — through advancing technology such as higher HP applications and more resilient consumable parts with longer life.
Leveraging the data we collect will continue to push more product innovations — or in my product area, pumping more, cheaper and better.
Outside of my 10-year obsession with studying, I’m an avid crossfit fan. My other big passion is travel. I’ve been to more than 50 countries and don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon. If there’s an opportunity to see and experience somewhere or something new, I’ll be the first one to book a plane ticket.