How to Change a Cat® Engine Oil Filter

Estimated read time: 2 minutes

Replacing your Cat® engine oil filter isn’t just routine — it’s how you keep your engine performing at its best. Whether you’re logging long hours on the job or prepping your machine for downtime, you’ll want to follow the right steps. Let’s break down how to change a spin-on oil filter on your Cat engine.

Check out this video and then read on to learn more:  




Drain the Engine Oil

Begin by draining the engine oil. Locate the crankcase drain on the oil pan. Remove the panel below the drain plug, then take out the plug and let the oil flow into a suitable container. Once the oil is fully drained, reinstall the plug and panel.

Replace the Filter

Locate the engine oil filter and use a filter wrench to remove it. Apply a thin layer of oil to the o-ring on the new filter before installing it. Hand tighten the new filter according to the instructions on the filter, using the index marks as a guide.

Add New Oil

Next, remove the fill cap and pour in fresh oil. Check your Operation and Maintenance Manual (OMM) for the correct oil type and quantity. Start the engine, let it warm up and inspect for leaks.


Check the Used Filter

For extra peace of mind, cut open the used filter to check for debris. Instructions for this process can be found in your OMM.

If you’re looking for specific guidance or additional support, contact your Cat dealer. They will help you get the parts you need — or you can shop directly at




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