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The Performance You Want at a Fraction of the Cost
What if you could pay 50-65% of the cost of a new part and get a component that looks like new, performs like new, and is backed with a like-new warranty? It may sound too good to be true, but with Cat® Reman, it’s not. Here’s why it pays to consider remanufactured products next time you need a repair — and how exactly they save you money.
Different companies use the term “remanufacturing” to mean different things, leading to varying levels of quality and performance. If you’ve had a bad experience with another company’s remanufactured products, you’re not alone — but Cat Reman is different.
Caterpillar is known for top-notch engineering, high-quality materials and robust manufacturing processes. That’s why our products last longer and why they’re the perfect candidates for remanufacturing — because they’re designed and built with a second life in mind.
Our remanufacturing process begins when our dealers send your used iron to us. We employ state-of-the-art salvage techniques, strict reuse guidelines, advanced remanufacturing processes and unequalled quality control to clean it, inspect it, salvage it, remanufacture it to original factory specifications and put it into dealer inventory.
The result is a Cat Reman product that delivers like-new performance and operating capability. In some cases, it may perform even better because our process also includes incorporating the latest engineering and technology updates.
Because it requires much less raw material, water and energy to remanufacture a product than to manufacture a new one, Cat Reman engines and components are priced at a fraction of the cost of new — typically around 50-65%. You pay less but don’t run the risk of quality or durability problems found with inexpensive will-fit components. In fact, the rest of your equipment can’t tell the difference. You can pair a Cat Reman transmission with a new 3512E Tier 4 Final DGB engine, for example, without issues. We’re so confident in this level of performance that we back every Cat Reman product with a same-as-new warranty.
Here’s another bonus: Choosing remanufactured components is an environmental win. On average, a Cat Reman product reduces water use by 86%, new material use by 85% and greenhouse gas emissions by 61%. Those are numbers you can feel good about sharing with your stakeholders.
Cat Reman got its start in the truck engine business in the 1970s and quickly grew to support customers in construction and mining as well. Today, there are about 8,000 different types of Cat Reman products available across industries. For oil and gas equipment, that includes Cat Reman transmissions as well as a number of major components for both diesel and gas engines — turbochargers, cylinder blocks, cylinder heads, fuel injectors, oil coolers, oil pumps, pistons, rocker arms and more.
Check out the coverage chart for a look at what’s available for your engine model or talk to your Cat dealer for specifics. When you’re ready to buy, the process is easy: Just return your used iron to your dealer, and your dealer will give you a lower-priced, off-the-shelf Cat Reman product in exchange — plus credit for your “core.”