3 Ways Cat® Reman UTN Cylinder Heads Save You Money

Cat® On-Highway Truck Engines – Tips & Tools

3 Ways CAT Reman UTN Cylinder heads save you money
3 Ways CAT Reman UTN Cylinder heads save you money

Get New Part Quality at a Less-than-New Part Price 

Did you know most Cat® Reman cylinder heads are sold as upgrade-to-new (UTN) products? That means you pay less than you would for a new cylinder head, but still get 100 percent new product and a same-as-new, 12-month Caterpillar Limited Warranty1. And because they're designed, manufactured and tested just for your Cat truck engine, UTN cylinder heads deliver the reliability, durability and fuel economy you expect.

Here are three reasons to consider UTN cylinder heads instead of buying new or rebuilding:



Reason 1: Forgiving Core Acceptance Criteria2

You get more for your money with our flexible criteria — including 100 percent credit for cores with:

  • An aftermarket head or aftermarket piece parts (valves, springs, guides, etc.)
  • Unsuccessful salvage attempts, such as milling, grinding or welding
  • Cracks caused by operational failure, non-operational failure or mishandling
  • Excessive rust or corrosion


Reason 2: 100 Percent New Product

UTN cylinder heads feature all new components, new casting and the latest engineering updates. They also must pass multiple quality checks during the remanufacturing process. They're machined and assembled in the U.S., cast and heat-treated to strict Caterpillar standards and built to help you achieve lower owning and operating costs over your Cat truck engine's lifecycle.


Reason 3: Same-As-New Warranty

Because they're 100 percent new products, you can expect your UTN cylinder heads to perform as reliably as new parts. But if there is an issue, you're protected by a same-as-new unlimited miles, 12-month Caterpillar Limited Warranty1.


1Warranty can vary by model and application; limitations apply. For complete details about the applicable Caterpillar Limited Warranty, contact an authorized Cat dealer.

2Additional guidelines may apply. Contact your authorized Cat dealer for more information.


Cat Reman UTN Cylinder Heads are available off the shelf for on-highway truck engines. Ask your local Cat dealer today for more details about this lower-cost, like-new repair option.

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