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Your mining equipment produces intense heat and high pressure. And your drivetrain needs to thrive in those brutal conditions. Genuine Cat® drivetrain friction material helps protect your drivetrain’s crucial components.
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As the components inside your drivetrain produce power, they often wear against one another. Cat® friction material can help minimize premature wear — and prevent component failures from wasting your time and money.
It’s easy to think of drivetrain friction materials as support components that allow other parts to do their jobs. But they are as vital to the performance of your drivetrain as any gear, bushing, seal or bearing. And friction material is key to safe operation, which is always first priority on any mine site.
Caterpillar engineers match the characteristics of friction materials to the functions they perform — ensuring safety, reliability and lower total cost of ownership. That means taking steps no other equipment manufacturer takes to deliver exclusive features:
Proprietary heat treatment applied to friction material parts prevents premature wear and damage to their mating parts
Separator plates designed with optimized teeth profile to properly engage mating parts
Groove patterns that balance engagement, cooling and durability for cooler running materials that last longer with minimal maintenance
Extended-life friction materials for brakes and transmissions, delivering two to four times the life and up to double the heat resistance of conventional materials
Exclusive Cat Elastomeric material used in transmission clutch groups for increased transmission life
Greater reliability, longer life and lower maintenance costs. It all adds up to a lower total cost of ownership for your mining equipment.
Talk to your Cat dealer to learn more about how Cat drivetrain friction material can increase equipment uptime and reduce maintenance costs. Your dealer can also work with you to craft a maintenance plan that optimizes your investment.
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Complete exchange axle rebuilds save time and reduce contamination risks on the mine site.
FIND OUT HOWYour Cat® dealer studies your undercarriage needs so you reap benefits on the mine site.
CONTACT YOUR DEALERWork with your Cat® dealer to keep your undercarriage maintenance and repairs on target.
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