Our fuel consumption promise

If you use more, we refund you the extra


Our promise

At Caterpillar, we’re proud of our fuel-efficient machines. So proud that we made a promise… Our machines’ fuel consumption should not exceed our promised value. If it does, Caterpillar will reimburse you the difference.


Your projects

We know that high-performance Cat® machines are essential to getting your job done on time. But what about the costs of operations? Our research shows that fuel is one of the highest operating costs.   That’s where our fuel promise comes in.


Your peace of mind

Circumstances change, you can’t expect the unexpected. Good thing the Fuel Promise Program has your back. For machines covered with a service contract at point of sale (our Customer Value Agreement   - CVA), you don’t need to worry about going over fuel budget. If you do, you’ll receive parts credit which you can use to keep your Cat machine in top condition.

We’ve done the maths. You get to work.


But wait, there’s more

By choosing Caterpillar and our Fuel Promise Program, you become part of a community that values your success. You’ll get parts-credit payback and gain access to exclusive resources and dedicated customer support. You’ll also qualify for our additional rewards program. 

Want in? 

Most of our machines are covered by the Fuel Promise Program when sold with a service contract at point of sale.  Get in touch with your dealer today and start enjoying the benefits and peace of mind of the Fuel Promise Program.

Contact us for all the details

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