SCP - Supervisory Control Panel
Description | Media |
SCP : Supervisory Control Panel | LEHE0945 |
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Advanced controsl are designed around customer requirements or pre-configurable solutions. Products architecture is flexible for tailoring the performance of Cat Electric Power sources to meet any application.
EGP - Emergency Generator Paralleling
EPIC - Engine Paralleling and Integration Control
XLM - Emergency Transfer (Xfer) and Load Management
(1) - Function included as part of the system – performed by the EMCP 4.4 Generator Set Controller.
Description | Media |
SCP : Supervisory Control Panel | LEHE0945 |
The EGP product supports paralleling on an isolated generator bus and is commonly used in prime power or emergency standby systems.
The XLM product supports transfer between the utility source and generator bus and allows for sustained parallel operation with the utility for load management applications.
Description | Media |
EGP4: Emergency Generator Paralleling | LEHE2551 |
EGP : Emergency Generator Paralleling | LEHE0892 |
XLM : Emergency Transfer (Xfer) and Load Management | LEHE0891 |
The Engine Paralleling and Integration Control (EPIC) product line provides standard paralleling controls in a freestanding cabinet separate from the engine generator set and from switchgear (breakers and bus). EPIC allows for operating generator sets in pre-configured Emergency Standby, Prime power and Parallel with Utility configurations.
Description | Media |
EPIC : Engine Paralleling and Integration Control | LEHE0415 |
The CHP control panel monitors and controls a Cat® gas generator set and ancillary equipment required to generate steam, hot water, chilled water, etc.,
Description | Media |
CHP : Emergency Generator Paralleling | LEHE1162 |
Engine Paralleling and Integration Control (EPIC)
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