Empower Your Business
With Mining Financing
And Aftermarket Solutions

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Mining Equipment Financing From Cat Financial

Together with Caterpillar and our Cat® dealers, Cat Financial strives to improve your mining operations by enhancing every part of the process. By combining our knowledge and expertise, we make mining sites safer, more efficient, productive, and sustainable. We assemble the best team, products, technologies, services, and financial solutions tailored to your mine site's requirements, regardless of size, type, or complexity.

With over 25 years of supporting mining businesses like yours, Cat Financial has financed nearly $11B for mining companies in the past decade. We aim to be a partner that understands the cyclical nature of the industry, having a global presence with expertise in every mining market. From initial purchase to maintenance, repairs, rebuilds, and technology upgrades, our tailored solutions will maximize the return on your investment and performance of your mining business.

Cat Financial customers receive guidance from personal account managers and an experienced team with industry and commodity expertise. Your account manager can develop highly customized offerings for the complete lifecycle of your Cat® machines. Our global presence means you can find all your financing solutions from a single source and leverage centralized account management to simplify your operations.

Find your account manager below and see how Cat Financial can provide you with the flexible, tailored financial solutions for the life of your business.

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Why Choose Cat Financial?

Cat equipment is built to last and a rebuild can help you get more life out of your machine. Plus it's a sustainable and more affordable alternative to buying new. When you finance your rebuild, you can count on competitive rates and flexible terms.

Revive Your Equipment



Extend the life of your equipment and stay ahead of downtime with Customer Value Agreements (CVAs). Personalized preventative maintenance plans are available from your local Cat dealer and are designed to fit your mining needs. Plus, a CVA can be packaged with your machine financing for convenience.

Dig Into The Details


Get coverage beyond the standard Caterpillar warranty with an Equipment Protection Plan (EPP) for new, used and rebuilt equipment. Contact your local Cat dealer sales rep for more information on extended coverage.

Find Your Plan


Together, with your local Cat dealer, we'll make sure you have the right solutions and equipment to improve productivity and lower costs.

Learn How


Our mining customers expect us to provide high-quality, long-lasting machines that run efficiently and offer high availability — but it's our aftermarket services that maximize their value.

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