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Customer Business Issue
Utilizing data analytics allows earlier detection of any issues by the Cat® Connect Fleet Advisor and the technician.
What Happened?
An asset was started and brought back online to generate power after a routine 1,200-hour scheduled preventive maintenance was completed. Utilizing Cat Connect data, advanced analytics detected a 10% shift in lower oil pressure after the restart, triggering an electronic “watch” notification to be sent to a Cat Connect Fleet Advisor. The Cat Connect Fleet Advisor monitors the asset's operation remotely and determines the lower than normal oil pressure warrants further investigation. A notification which included a trend chart is sent to the on-site technicians along with a recommendation to investigate further. Taking note of the observation, the technician reviews the supporting data further and shuts the asset down to investigate. The investigation revealed a small piece of debris had entered the lubrication system and lodged itself in the oil pressure check valve, causing a restriction of the oil pressure and damage to the check valve. The check valve was replaced, the asset restarted, and the oil pressure was restored to normal.
What Was the Underlying Cause?
Although the technician could not isolate how or where the piece of debris entered the lubrication system, it had damaged the oil pressure check valve requiring a replacement.
What Was the Value to the Customer?
Early detection utilizing data analytics, collaboration between the Cat Connect Fleet Advisor and the technician, and immediate action improved the overall outcome by preventing the debris from traveling further into the lubrication system, which could have caused further damage.
For more information, please visit www.cat.com/catconnect