St. Luke’s Hospital Maintains Critical Power with Cat® Backup Generators
When Cedar Rapids’ grid power was knocked during a powerful derecho in August 2020, St. Luke’s operated for two days solely on backup power from its 4.5 MW standby power plant consisting of three Cat® 3512 diesel generator sets.
Learn MoreArbors of Hop Brook Depends on Cat Generator to Help Keep Residents Comfortable
The Arbors of Hop Brook retirement community recently transitioned to an efficient heating and cooling system for its facilities, selecting a Cat® D350 GC generator set for reliable backup power to ensure the system continues to operate if grid power is lost.
Learn MoreHospital Doubles Down On Commitment To Energy Efficiency
As part of an energy-savings initiative, Saint Peter’s University Hospital installed a 2 MW combined heat and power (CHP) plant powered by a Cat® G3516H natural gas-fueled generator set, which allows the hospital to remain fully operational during a grid power outage. By running the CHP plant continuously, Saint Peter’s saves approximately $200,000 to $300,000 in annual energy costs.
Learn MoreTreatment Depends on Power that Never Quits
WestCare Foundation offers a wide range of health and human services for people traditionally considered difficult to treat. At its treatment centers in Elkhorn City and Ashcamp, Kentucky, continuous power is crucial for patient recovery. So, WestCare turned to its local Cat dealer to install Cat backup generator sets that ensure the power stays on even when grid power becomes unreliable.
Learn MoreFlorida Senior Living Communities Depend on Standby Power from Cat Generators
To keep residents safe during a power outage, HarborChase of Wildwood and HarborChase of Villages Crossing installed Cat® generator sets that provide reliable standby power to keep their facilities cool.
Learn MoreCogeneration Helps Large Hospital Lower Energy Costs
Inside a hospital, every dollar spent on heating and cooling is a dollar less spent caring for patients. That’s why Boston Medical Center commissioned a cogeneration plant from Caterpillar to supply reliable power while providing around $1.5 million dollars in annual energy savings.
Learn MoreCHP Lowers Energy Costs at Award-winning Hospital
As one of the top 40 research hospitals in Canada, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre needs reliable power to support its facilities, 24/7. To meet its energy demand while improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions, the hospital installed a cogeneration system powered by a Cat® G3516H generator set.
Learn MoreThe Power of Critical Planning
After witnessing the catastrophic failures of medical facilities after Hurricane Katrina, the Medical University of South Carolina built an energy plant to house air conditioning systems, switchgear, and four Cat® C175-16 generator sets above storm surge levels to provide full power to its facilities if the power goes down.
Learn MoreDiesel Generator Sets Support Medical and Data Center Power
To support the construction of their new patient tower, Summa Health administrators selected Cat® dealer Ohio Cat to supply three 1250 kW C32 diesel generators with high power density. These generators have a smaller footprint, offer up to 44 percent more power density, and lower total costs and required space needed for the gensets.
Learn MoreDelivering Around-the-clock Power for Biomedical Research at VCOM
To ensure uninterrupted power, VCOM installed a Cat® G3412 gas generator to back up the utility feed at their Auburn campus when the building first opened. Based on a recommendation from Cat dealer Thompson Tractor, VCOM transfers the electrical load to the facility once a month.
Learn MoreThe St. Luke Foundation and Cat Dealer Haytrac Provide Vital Healthcare
A new Cat 3512 diesel generator set provides outstanding power and support for the foundation's mission.
Learn MoreNew Energy Plant and Generator Sets Power Raleigh Healthcare System
To meet the growing power demands for the highest level of care, UNC REX Healthcare installed Cat® generator sets to provide vital power density.
Learn MoreParalleling Gensets Benefit Mercy Health Muskegon
Paralleling gensets eliminates the need for traditional switchgear. Implementing these efficient gensets allows for a smaller footprint and reduced costs.
Learn MoreReliable, Cost-Efficient Combined Heat and Power
The University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center (UM UCMC) installed a new Cat® G3516H natural gas-fired generator set for 2 MW of sustainable power as part of a cost-effective combined heat and power (CHP) system to ensure continuous patient care.
Learn MoreQuiet, Clean, Reliable Power
Tift Regional Health System is a hospital network serving 12 counties in southern Georgia. Multiple expansions over the last 50 years have made it the county’s largest employer. To ensure the campus has a continuous supply of power, even in crisis situations, Tift Regional Medical Center (TRMC) requires emergency backup power for life-safety systems and other essential operations.
Learn MoreHospital Trusts Cat® Gensets for Backup Emergency Power
Choosing Cat generator sets and relying on support from Pantropic Power to help the healthcare system run ready was a simple decision, Tester said. Caterpillar is synonymous with powerful and reliable generator set technology and Pantropic has specialized in power generation solutions for more than 65 years.
Learn MoreStandby power solution for mission-critical care
Edward Hospital & Health Services overcame sound and space constraints with a customized standby power solution to better support mission critical needs.
Learn MoreSerious about patient safety, they trust Caterpillar for power
Patient safety is a top priority at Vista; however, operating a surgical facility on an island that has an unstable power grid is dangerous and likely to cause serious problems.“There can be no disruptions in power flow as critical eye surgeries take place on a daily basis.” said Angie Jiménez, Business Office Manager for Vista.
Learn MoreStandby Power Relies on Rigorous Preventive Maintenance
The gensets, including three that are more than 20 years old, undergo a rigorous preventive maintenance program to discover problems before they can compromise patient safety.
Learn MoreQuiet, reliable, redundant backup power solutions
“With Cat’s system in place, the hospital has a great deal of redundancy and reliability built in,” said Deason. “Our monitoring system gives the operators far more information than they had in their older backup generator installation.” And all of the information can be obtained in real-time, from a remote PC, according to Deason. For Buckner, the decision to go with Caterpillar generators was based on VUMC’s experience with Cat power products.
Learn MoreEmergency Backup Power with Trusted Support
This hospital project was of great significance to Caterpillar and Al-Bahar, as it represented the first installation of a C175-16 unit at 50 Hz in the region. Following installation, Al-Bahar has been providing on-going power services, including technical support, maintenance and parts delivery.
Learn MoreEmergency Standby Power with a Reputation for Fast, Strong Support
Altorfer Cat was the top-of-mind choice because of strong support they delivered to UnityPoint Health in the fall of 2013, when a tornado outbreak struck in the area. Those tornadoes brought significant power outages to the immediate community, including a prompt care facility on the UnityPoint health campus. Altorfer Cat quickly supplied a Cat® XQ175 rental generator set to serve as a standby power source.
Learn MoreThompson is content to have the generator sets on hand to see the hospital through emergencies. “I could operate the entire hospital on the standby power system and no one would know the difference,” Thompson says. “I also have spare capacity to support future growth.”
Learn More“In our business, seconds count. If I get a call — anytime, anywhere — that something’s happening and we need help, I know I can call Gregory Poole and someone will be there for us,” he said. “That’s important when you’re dealing with a hospital environment. Emergency power doesn’t get a second chance at saving someone’s life.”
Learn MoreThe Cat generator set start module provides redundant starting power that is supplied directly from the UPS output, providing a healthy and continuous power source that does not require replacement.
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