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Right now, your local Cat® dealer has rebuild options, upgrades and Cat Financial offers available on a range of machine models. Find out how you can bring your machine back to like-new condition for a fraction of the cost of a new machine.
Details about the offer
This offer is available in Australia between 1 June 2024 and 31 December 2025 at a participating Australian Cat® dealer (Dealer) for a valid transaction worth A$15,000 or more.
The financing is 0%, 1.99% or 2.99% per annum for 24 months, 36 months or 48 months, respectively, and only available to applicants that are approved by Caterpillar Financial Australia Limited (ABN 70 006 711 585) (CFAL). CFAL’s financing is for a fixed rate term loan paid in arrears.
CFAL may require security over the host asset under this offer. If security is required, that security must be first ranking.
Who is eligible?
Applicants must have a valid ABN and carry on a business and, in the case of individuals, must also be Australian residents over 18 years old. Applications will be required to make a business purpose declaration as it relates to the finance.
What does the financing cover?
Finance may be approved for up to 100% of the amount charged for the Cat® undercarriage services.
CFAL may require the applicant to contribute to the total cost of the Dealer invoice and this may include paying the GST component on the Dealer invoice upfront.
Labour may be financed under this offer provided that 50% of the total amount of the relevant Dealer invoice covers Cat® branded parts.
Things you also need to know
This offer is subject to change without notice and cannot be used in conjunction with any other finance offer.
This offer remains subject to CFAL approval and the execution of legal documentation on terms and conditions acceptable to CFAL.
Fees and charges apply.
This advertisement contains only limited information about the offer and is not available to all customers. For further information, please speak to your local Dealer. Finance involves risk. Applicants must make their own informed decision about whether to accept any finance offer.
^Cat Credits may be redeemed for future purchases of parts, service, sales, work tools and rentals of Cat equipment at participating Cat dealers, The Cat Rental Store, Parts.cat.com and Cat Central. Visit cat.com/cat-credits for rules governing Cat Credits.
Details about the offer
This offer is available in New Zealand between 1 June 2024 and 31 December 2025 at Terra Cat® (Dealer) for a valid transaction worth NZ$15,000 or more.
The financing is 0%, 1.99% or 2.99% per annum for 24 months, 36 months or 48 months, respectively, and only available to applicants that are approved by Caterpillar Financial New Zealand Limited (NZBN 9429036240050) (CFNZ). CFNZ’s financing is for a fixed rate term loan paid in arrears.
CFNZ may require security over the host asset under this offer. If security is required, that security must be first ranking.
Who is eligible?
Applicants must have a valid business number and/or carry on a business and, in the case of individuals, must also be New Zealand residents over 18 years old. Applications will be required to make a business purpose declaration as it relates to the finance.
What does the financing cover?
Finance may be approved for up to 100% of the amount charged for the Cat® undercarriage services.
CFNZ may require the applicant to contribute to the total cost of the Dealer invoice and this may include paying the GST component on the Dealer invoice upfront.
Labour may be financed under this offer provided that 50% of the total amount of the Dealer invoice covers Cat® branded parts.
Things you also need to know
This offer is subject to change without notice and cannot be used in conjunction with any other finance offer.
This offer remains subject to CNFZ approval and the execution of legal documentation on terms and conditions acceptable to CNFZ.
Fees and charges apply.
This advertisement contains only limited information about the offer and is not available to all customers. For further information, please speak to your local Dealer. Finance involves risk. Applicants must make their own informed decision about whether to accept any finance offer.
#Rebuild offers available from participating Cat dealers located in Australia and New Zealand and subject to change and availability. Rebuild considered ordered when the participating Cat dealer receives a binding order for the rebuild, in a form satisfactory to the dealer in its discretion. Content of available rebuilds may vary depending on type of rebuild purchased. References to specific rebuild offerings available from participating dealers are provided as a guide only and based on non-binding feedback provided by various Cat dealers. Caterpillar, and each Cat dealer, is free to withdraw the offer at any time. Rebuilds are carried out by Caterpillar’s authorised dealers, which are independent businesses, on prices and terms and conditions, and such other offers, as determined independently by each Cat dealer from time to time. This offer is subject to all such prices, terms and conditions, and any other offers, as determined independently by each Cat dealer from time to time.